Thursday, October 15, 2009

Meet the Master race #1: Kyle Chapman

In this series we take a look at some of the high quality specimens that play a key part in our glorious movement. First up, Kyle Chapman

Kyle Chapman has been around the nazi scene for twenty years

Born in Towermaranueey, he soon moved to Invercargill, because toe mara neuey was too hard to say, let alone spell properly. When he was 14 he joined the National Frunt and several skinheads gangs. He quickly rose to a prominent position in the nazi skinhead gang scene due to his ability to read and write (well, only just, but that’s all it takes in the nazi scene!)

He later admitted to several racially motivated arson attacks. Then he got a qualification as a social worker and convinced the Christchurch City Council to fund him to reedumicate lost skinheads into a more productive lifestyle. They soon cut the funding when they found out he was training them up to be little racist nazis.

In 2004 he emerged as a high profile leader of the NZ National Frunt and spent many hours explaining to the media why he hated Asians, hung out with bonehead criminals, stood around doing nazi salutes and playing with guns in his bedroom, but still wasn’t a nazi really! He ran for the mayoralty of Christchurch and got a stunning 1.9% of the vote.

He was forced to give it all up after his children were being shunned at school because of the profile of their father.

He dabbled in politics with various other political parties that went nowhere, and then started up the survive club. This where Kyle and his mates spend there weekends in the bush playing with guns and trying to capture and cook stray hedgehogs.

In January 2009 Chapman started asking for donations to create a European-only "protected community" in North Canterbury. His intention was to “build a unified mini state that we could build up in future to be a base for other like minded Europeans to come to from other dying countries.”

The compound would have a school, accommodation, a meeting house for leaders, and a training area for sport fighting and survival training. Chapman was concerned that the all male atmosphere could create a “sousage fest” so he suggested importing mail order brides from eastern Europe to solve this alarming problem.

Then Kyle found love, moved to Hamilton and married a mormon (his fourth wife)

She has been quoted as saying he “is very fertile”. Which is good news for the white race I’m sure you will agree.

Of course Kyle didn’t really give it all up. He only said that to impress his wife. He’s been spending plenty of time behind the scenes organising the right wing resistance in Christchurch. RWR are a bunch of dodgy criminal looking skinhead dudes who do crime patrols to keep the streets safe from dodgy criminals.

Kyle is also helping to organise the annual Flag day rally in Wellington this month. He’s a bit concerned that no one will come, or worse still, everyone will ignore him..

1 comment:

  1. we have already had a compliant about the spelling in this post, appernelty there are not enuogh mistakes and it makes us look intellectuall, which might put off some readers, especially our target audience. as we all know correct spelling is a elitist middle class fad
    is this better?
