Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lisa Thompson, our favourite Aryan

People often assume supporters of the National Frunt are dopey racist thickies. The latest example of this is Lisa Marie Thompson. Poor old Lisa has been picked on by the mainstream media recently.
In this story, she explained how her personalised number plate ARYAN1 was not really racist, she had no idea what it meant, and it was actually in memory of her former boyfriend Andrew Ryan.

A few days later, after numerous phone calls to the newspaper by people who actually knew her, this story exposed how Lisa was actually a hardcore racist nazi with links to Blood and Honour and various other white power groups around NZ. Vince Stephens of the NZNF leapt to her defence claiming she was actually a very nice person. Vince knows all about racism and white power so hopefully the media will believe him.

As we said, we at the New Zealand National Frunt are often accused of having a membership made up of morons and thickies, and at first glance Lisa might fit this description. After spending most of your adult life hanging around with white power boneheads, hardcore racists and violent nutters like Blood and Honour, you would have to be pretty thick not to know what Aryan means. We can confirm that Lisa Marie Thompson, while pretty dim, is not actually that thick. She is in fact a liar. Hope that clears everything up.


  1. Lisa Thompson has a fetish for underage boys

    Lisa "Aryan Paedophile" Thompson

  2. ILMAO at the above article tho why wud ya have that as a number plate and not back it??? bahahahahaha

  3. I seen her at a asian bakery buying a pie.race trader.

  4. LOl she is so white power she even once got pregnant to a maori guy called Billy Bolovski!

    So what do we have so far,
    paedophile, asian bakery pie buyer, maori raper lol.

    she is so white pride!

  5. I actually do know her, she is in fact racist but these other comments I have just read are all stupid lies!

  6. National front what a joke. Claiming to be white pride.

  7. she looks hot, Id tie her up in the kitchen for a week or so

  8. Just spoke to a azov battalion commander polish blood&honor sorry they don't know her my chicken rooting goat blowers
